Amazing Beauty Benefits of Ice Cubes

The cold weather can really do a number on your appearance- from flaky dead skin to dehydrated lips. While the dry and harsh weather can change the look of your skin, there is a secret to using cold ice on your skin. While some might say BRRR to the idea, ice can provide beauty benefits to a list of concerns.

Using ice can improve the circulation of your skin cells to reduce certain key problems. Not just ice but a couple of splashes of chilly water in the morning can reduce darkness around the eyes, prevent wrinkles and improve dull complexion.

Before we mention these icy beauty secrets, it’s important to note that applying ice cubes directly onto your skin can cause capillaries to break under the skin. Always wrap the ice with a washcloth to prevent any direct damage to your skin.

Skin Brightener

Brighter Skin

Ice is a great way to help lighten your skin after a long day out in the sun. Gently rub the ice right after you’ve tanned, it can soothe any heat under your skin that cause darkness. Rubbing ice cubes can improve circulation leading to a healthy glowing appearance. This can also help improved the texture of the skin’s surface to prevent premature wrinkles.

Painless Threading


If you end up teary-eyed during your upper lip or eyebrow threading at home, rubbing ice directly onto the area before threading can minimize any pain. Ice will cause the area to be numb for easier threading, just make sure to pat your skin dry or apply powder before you thread away for easier plucking.

Improve Dark Circles

Dark Circles

Discoloration around the eye area has been a problem for every woman. Dark eyes patches are caused by a number of reasons including poor sleep routine, excessive computer/screen use, tiredness and broken capillaries. Applying rose water ice cubes every morning is a great way to reduce darkness around the eyes.

Minimize Pores


Ice is an effective way to reduce large sized pores. This cold method can help shrink pores when applied directly onto your skin for 5 minutes. Ice can also reduce oil production which is the major cause of large pores. Try this for a week to see results.

No More Acne

Acne facial care teenager woman squeezing pimple on white

Applying ice is a pain-free method to reducing inflammation and acne. If your acne is red and irritated, ice is an easy fool-proof way to help relieve the pain. The chilly temperature can also help prevent bacteria from entering your skin, causing lesser chances of breakouts. Apply for 5-10 minutes on the area directly

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